Tuesday, July 12, 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm ET
The DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU) and the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT) are pleased to invite you to a virtual roundtable event to discuss how the District’s commercial building stock can benefit from existing programs in preparation for the District’s Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS). Don’t wait, start preparing your building portfolio to make the grade and hit your energy performance target. Join us and learn from industry experts on where to start your BEPS compliance journey and how the DCSEU can help your business save energy and money while you do it.
This event will include short presentations and Q&A with industry experts, followed by focused discussion and networking time to reconnect with each other, share successes, and discuss possible solutions to current challenges.
- Andre Javier-Barry, Account Manager, DCSEU
- Theresa Backhus, Associate Director, Building Innovation Hub
- Patti Boyd, Senior Manager, Technology & Innovation, DCSEU
- And building representatives, to be announced!