DC Green Bank: Community Impact Initiative
CII is a pathway open to small businesses and community-serving organizations to receive “green glove” service and support that helps

PEPCO: Income Eligible Multifamily Program
This program is designed to meet the energy improvement needs of multifamily affordable housing properties.

ICAST: One Stop Shop
The ICAST One Stop Shop program is designed to meet the energy improvement needs of both market rate and affordable

DC Green Bank: Navigator
Navigator is a simple, unsecured line of credit that funds the customized design of energy improvements by allowing building owners to

DC Green Bank: Open RFP
Up to 100% funding for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in the District.

DC Green Bank: CLEER
CLEER financing offers building owners the ability to secure a low-interest loan to quickly propel their energy efficiency and renewable

FHA: Green Mortgage Insurance Program
FHA's Green Mortgage Insurance Premium lowers mortgage insurance premiums to 25 basis points for properties that meet its criteria.

Freddie Mac: C-PACE Financing
Freddie Mac Multifamily can grant consent for Commercial PACE financing from qualifying Commercial PACE programs on loans in its retained

Freddie Mac: Green Rebate
Borrowers who do not pursue any other Freddie Mac Multifamily Green Advantage option(s) can receive $5,000 for delivering and EPA

Freddie Mac: Green Certified
Freddie Mac offers discounted loan pricing for properties that have affordable rental units and already have an industry-standard green building

Freddie Mac: Green Up
The Green Up programs offer favorable pricing to property owners who commit to reducing energy or water at a property

Fannie Mae: Green Building Certification
The Fannie Mae Multifamily Green Financing Business provides mortgage financing to multifamily buildings for energy and water efficiency property improvements.