DC Green Bank
Program name
Open RFP
Program summary
This is an open call for organizations to submit funding proposals that will help them meet their building energy performance or renewable energy goals. Transactions should aim to address gaps and barriers in the financing market and should ultimately support clean energy, clean transportation, clean water, stormwater management, energy efficiency, water efficiency, and/or green infrastructure projects in the District.
Applicable building size
An open opportunity for all clean energy project types that allows organizations to craft a funding structure based on their needs.
- Incentive/funding details. Proposed funding structure and projects should be outlined at the time of proposal request.
- Contract structure. The Open RFP allows organizations to craft a funding structure based on their need and desired level of involvement from the DC Green Bank.
- Amount (max, min, average). Maximum $5 million per transaction.
- Simple payback. Loan terms are variable based on full project proposal.
- Pairing with other sources. Open to varying opportunities and partnering with viable resources based on the full scope of the project.
- When in the project process an application should be started/completed. Applications accepted on a rolling basis.
- Level of effort required. Process is dependent on the complexity of the loan proposal. Proposals should include a summary of the proposed financing, participants invovled, expected energy savings, generation, or greenhouse gas reduction. Additionally, participants should demonstrate how the financing will add value to a transaction that would not otherwise be accelerated.
- Length of time to receive funding. Funding disbursement is dependent on loan approval and complexity of the loan proposal.
- Contractor requirements. Contractors must be authorized to perform work for their customers (building owners) by signing the Contractor Agreement and by providing any additional required
Additional information
- Advantages. Frees up cash for other uses on projects; low interest rates; achieve clean energy solutions at a low start-up cost; allows flexibility in financing programs.
- Program fit for customer. This program is a good fit if there is a need for quick funding to support energy efficiency or renewable energy efforts on a project; if there is a need to upgrade energy efficiency or renewable energy efforts; if there was an impact to current financing and project funding slowed down or was halted; if there is a desire to install a new technology that positively affects the clean energy economy or DC residents.
Take action
Visit the DC Green Bank website for information on Open RFPS.