Building Innovation Hub Logo


Connect to one another. Inspire better buildings.

This page is for current, upcoming events. Our past events and event takeaways are also available. If you’d like for the Hub to publicize your event, please contact us.

Upcoming events

DC Sustainability Summit

Be empowered to serve as an ambassador for a more sustainable future for tourism, meetings and events in Washington, DC.

DC Sustainability Summit photo from 2024 inaugural event

2025 Commercial & Multifamily Building Roundtable

Join the DCSEU and the Building Innovation Hub for an essential roundtable discussion on DC’s Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS)…

Portfolio Manager Training Series

Join this three-part series hosted by EPA ENERGY STAR for an in-depth dive in how to use Portfolio Manager to benchmark your building and improve building performance. Registration for each webinar in this series is separate.

April 1 – Portfolio Manager 101

April 9 – Portfolio Manager 201

April 17 – Portfolio Manager 301

Portfolio Manager screenshot of example property page.

2025 Montgomery County Energy Summit

A transformative event focused on advancing building energy performance.

Building Vibrance: Improving Quality of Life through the Built Environment in Virginia

By improving health, well-being, and equity for building occupants and their communities, making spaces not just environmentally friendly but also…

DC Climate Week

DC Climate Week (DCCW) will establish Washington, DC, as the nation’s center of climate innovation by providing opportunities to engage with policymakers, fund climate solutions, and showcase cutting-edge technologies.

Through curated workshops, panels, exhibitions, and networking events, we will transform our nation’s capital into a global model for climate action.

DC Climate Week image

Healthy Homes Fair

The Healthy Homes Fair is the biggest consumer-facing home electrification event in the country. It is a free expo and interactive experience for homeowners, renters, home renovation professionals and career seekers to learn about the technologies, products, services and incentives available to improve our health, increase comfort, and reduce emissions from the homes of the DC region.

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