Freddie Mac
Program name
Green Certified
Program summary
Discounted loan pricing for properties that have affordable rental units and already have an industry-standard green building certification.
Applicable building size
- Incentive/funding details. Discounted loan pricing for 7- and 10-year fixed-rate Freddie Mac Multifamily Optigo loans if at least 50% of the property’s units are affordable at workforce housing levels, and has one of the industry-standard green building certifications, as listed in the term sheet.
- Contract structure. Check with Optigo Lenders for details.
- Amount (max, min, average). Varies by property type.
- Tax and balance sheet. See term sheet for details.
- Pairing with other sources. See term sheet for details.
- When in the project process an application should be started/completed. Provide evidence of certification as part of the loan submission to receive the best quote.
- Level of effort required. Part of standard loan application process.
- Length of time to receive funding. Typical timeline for multifamily financing.
Additional information
- Advantages. Discounted loan pricing.
- Disadvantages. Must already have an industry-standard green building certification.
- Ownership types or organizations are best suited for the program. Property owners looking to acquire or refinance a multifamily property.
- Program fit for customer. Are looking for better pricing on a property with rents affordable at workforce housing levels and have an industry-standard green building certification.