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2024 DC BEPS Legislative Changes You Need to Know

On December 17, 2024, the DC Council voted unanimously on legislation that would make a series of technical amendments to the District’s Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS). The approved bill, B25-0801: Building Energy Performance Standards Amendment Act of 2024, is intended to improve the program and make it easier for building owners to achieve success. Let’s get into how the changes will affect you and your work.

Why is BEPS changing?

DC Councilmember Charles Allen introduced the bill in May 2024. These amendments closely mirror the majority recommendations of the BEPS Task Force, a committee of building stakeholders and subject matter experts formed to advise the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) on how to implement the BEPS program. The Task Force recommendations were developed during a series of public meetings in 2023 by a consensus process and approved via majority vote. 

Further updates to the bill were made in response to a public hearing held June 6 during which 18 public and two government witnesses provided testimony. Additional provisions and modifications were reviewed with the Task Force in a public meeting in September 2024, and the revised bill was approved by the Committee on Transportation and the Environment on October 31. DC Council approved the first reading with 12 votes on November 26. The bill approved on December 17 by DC Council was signed by the Mayor on January 15, 2025 and transmitted to Congress with projected law date of March 27, 2025

The District was the first jurisdiction to pass a Building Performance Standard. As a new program, there is no precedent for how to go through this process. The BEPS Amendment Act is a result of a collaborative effort between the District government and the public to make improvements that benefit stakeholders. BEPS will ultimately help the District achieve goals which were established in the Sustainable DC Plan and further defined in the Clean Energy DC Plan: a 60% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, and carbon neutrality by 2045.

Most elements of the bill will require amendments to DOEE’s Benchmarking Regulations (20 DCMR 3514-3516), BEPS compliance regulations (20 DCMR 3517-3521), or the BEPS Compliance and Enforcement Guidebook. The Hub will be updating resources on its website to reflect updates made by the BEPS bill, and will continue to follow rulemaking activity from DOEE and the ongoing meetings of the BEPS Task Force for updates.

Have questions?

The Building Innovation Hub team is here to help you navigate these changes. Reach out to us if you’d like additional insight on the BEPS updates or technical assistance on your building. Our expert staff will connect you with the right resources and partners to ensure your BEPS compliance and success!

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