Did you Know?
Dark mode can save up to 60% of your battery life.
Takeaways from a year of listening.
On December 17, 2024, the DC Council voted unanimously on legislation that would make a series of technical amendments to the District’s Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS).
A networking event with discussions on finance, transportation, and complexity in management and infrastructural transformation.
This retro-commissioning scope-of-work companion blog is for any building looking to improve its operations or comply with building performance standards in other jurisdictions.
Learn about the first Emerald Cities Collaborative DC Contractor Incubator Cohort Program, designed to provide support to MWDBE looking to break into the clean energy space and expand their skills in the high-performance buildings sector!
Building owners looking to take advantage of tax incentives as they improve their properties in line with BEPS should check out the updated 179D deduction, recently expanded by the Inflation Reduction Act.
Local and international experts convened to discuss challenges and solutions to equitable, safe, zero-carbon buildings.
Washington DC's Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE) Director Tommy Wells talks about sustainability and infrastructure in the District.
The Hub interviews Ameresco about high-performance building trends
Each of us has a role to play in making buildings sustainable, equitable, and resilient.