Fernando Arias

Theresa Backhus
By Fernando Arias, Director of Sustainability, Clark Construction Group and
Theresa Backhus, Associate Director, Outreach and Engagement, Building Innovation Hub
Buildings are at a critical moment of change and accountability. Historically, the way we designed, developed, constructed, and operated buildings have contributed significantly to carbon emissions and climate change. In fact, more than a third of global emissions are from the energy used to build or operate buildings.
Suppose we reimagine the function of buildings in the environment. They can become critical elements in strategies to lower greenhouse gases and improve indoor health, create local jobs, and more equitable access to clean air and economic opportunities. Owners, operators, contractors, and designers realize business as usual is no longer sufficient to sustain the value of the built environment. The building industry is starting to recognize that as companies become less carbon-intensive, doing so can be tremendously profitable.
That’s why the Building Innovation Hub and Clark Construction Group came together to host our industry leadership series, “What Will It Take? The Path to 2050 and Carbon-Free Buildings.” For each of our four panels, we convened experts who shared successes and challenges in decarbonizing their businesses and insights into how the design, operations, development, and construction sectors are rapidly changing in addition to what kinds of jobs or skills might be needed to meet these new opportunities. Each conversation challenged traditional practices while shedding light on market realities and key obstacles.
To learn more about the series, visit our series landing page, where you can access links to related resources, including complete session recordings and a strategy matrix to explore cross-sector positions on opportunities, challenges, and skills needed to capitalize on the opportunities. We hope you will come away inspired, with clear action steps for how you can play a key role in a more sustainable and equitable built environment.

Read the full series summary with top takeaways from all four events.