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Accelerated Savings Recognition (ASR) Alternative Compliance Pathway (ACP) Option

Deadlines and requirements you should know about


The Alternative Compliance Pathway (ACP) allows for methods for compliance outside of the three Principal Pathways (Performance Pathway, Standard Target Pathway, or Prescriptive Pathway) that achieve the equivalent or greater energy savings than the Principal Pathways.

One of those options includes deep energy retrofits—for building owners that have targeted a higher energy savings goal than required under a Principal Pathway—who wish to have certainty around long-term compliance with BEPS.

The Accelerated Savings Recognition (ASR) ACP Option is designed for buildings owners who achieve deep energy retrofits in Cycle 1 that meet the long-term goals of the BEPS Program and hasten energy efficiency work to meet DC’s climate goals.

A building will follow the energy performance and reporting/verification requirements of its approved Principal Pathway for Cycle 1. If the Site EUI reductions at the end of Cycle 1 reaches the specified levels (36% for Cycle 2; 49% for Cycles 2 and 3; or 59% for Cycles 2, 3, and 4) the building is eligible to choose the ASR option ACP Option in future Cycles.

Important deadlines and requirements

Timeline Key

Major BEPS Cycle Milestone


Deadline or Deliverable

Milestone: BEPS 1 Begins

DOEE established the first set of BEPS on January 1, 2021, thus beginning the BEPS 1 Compliance Cycle.

Action Phase

January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2025


Using your baseline Site EUI, which is an average of your building’s CY2018 and CY2019 Site EUI, decrease your Site EUI by:

  • 36% (Level 1) for Cycle 2
  • 49% (Level 2) for Cycles 2 and 3
  • 59% (Level 3) for Cycles 2, 3, and 4
Benchmarking Report Due

A completed District Benchmarking Benchmark Results and Compliance Report is due for buildings ≥25,000 sq. ft. for calendar year 2021.

Submit Pathway Selection

Deadline to submit the Pathway Selection Form to DOEE for approval by telling them which Principal Pathway you’ve selected.


Note: The ASR ACP Option isn’t selected until Cycle 2.

Benchmarking Report Due

A completed District Benchmark Results and Compliance Benchmarking Report is due for buildings ≥25,000 sq. ft. for calendar year 2022.

Third-Party Verified Benchmarking Report Due

A completed, third-party verified District Benchmark Results and Compliance Benchmarking Report is due for buildings ≥25,000 sq. ft. for calendar year 2023.

Benchmarking Report Due

A completed District Benchmark Results and Compliance Benchmarking Report is due for buildings ≥10,000 sq. ft. for calendar year 2024.

Evaluation Year

January 1, 2026 – December 31, 2026


During this time, your building’s energy performance will be evaluated to confirm that it meets its minimum reduction requirements for your approved Pathway. If the Site EUI savings meet the minimum level prescribed for the ASR ACP option, your building will become eligible to select it for the subsequent Compliance Cycle(s).

Benchmarking Report Due

A completed District Benchmark Results and Compliance Benchmarking Report is due for buildings ≥10,000 sq. ft. for calendar year 2025.

Milestone: Compliance Cycle 1 Ends

This is the end of the BEPS 1 Compliance Cycle.

Third-Party Verified Benchmarking Report Due

A completed, third-party verified District Benchmark Results and Compliance Benchmarking Report is due for buildings ≥10,000 sq. ft. for calendar year 2026.

Future BEPS Cycle Pathway Selection

Deadline for Pathway Selection for Cycles 2, 3 and 4 (as applicable).


Deadline to submit the Pathway Selection Form to DOEE for approval by telling them you’ve selected the ASR ACP Option.

Maintain Site EUI Savings

End of Future BEPS Cycles 2 and 3.


Maintain at least 75% of the chosen Level’s Site EUI savings by the end of each Cycle where recognition is earned.

  • For Level 1, maintain a 27% Site EUI savings by the end of Cycle 2.
  • For Level 2, maintain a 37% Site EUI savings by the end of Cycles 2 and 3.
  • For Level 3, maintain a 44% Site EUI savings by the end of Cycles 2, 3, and 4.
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