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New Construction or Change of Property Type Alternative Compliance Pathway (ACP) Option

Deadlines and requirements you should know about


These Pathways were designed for

  1. Buildings issued a New Building Core and Shell Certificate of Occupancy from DCRA before the beginning of the BEPS Period (2019-2020) and did not submit a 2019 District Benchmark Report
  2. Buildings mid-Compliance Cycle that undergo a renovation resulting in a change of property type and receive its Use Change Certificate of Occupancy from DCRA before the end of the evaluation year(s). (Buildings that change property types may also be eligible for a delay of compliance per Chapter 5.)

Important deadlines and requirements

Timeline Key

Major BEPS Cycle Milestone


Deadline or Deliverable

Milestone: BEPS 1 Begins

DOEE established the first set of BEPS on January 1, 2021, thus beginning the BEPS 1 Compliance Cycle.

Take Action

January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2025


Increase or maintain your building’s ENERGY STAR Score during the Performance Period to be equal to or higher than the Standard for your Property Type.

Benchmarking Report Due

A completed District Benchmarking Benchmark Results and Compliance Report is due for buildings ≥25,000 sq. ft. for calendar year 2021.

Submit Pathway Selection or Pathway Change Application

(Deadline can vary)


Deadline to submit the Pathway Selection Form or Pathway Change Application to DOEE for approval by telling them which Pathway you’ve selected.


Note: This is due one year after the building receives its certificate of occupancy.

Submit Pathway Selection or Pathway Change Application and ACP Proposal

Deadline to submit the Pathway Selection Form to DOEE for approval by telling them which Pathway you’ve selected. Include an ACP proposal that describes all adjustments or planned adjustments on campus, impacts on campus’s Blended Custom Source EUI calculation, and new proposed Blended Custom Source EUI Target with supporting documentation, as well as additional information required by this ACP option.


Note: Deadline for ACP proposal depends on timeline for campus adjustments that potentially impact Blended Custom Source EUI Standard.

Benchmarking Report Due

A completed District Benchmark Results and Compliance Benchmarking Report is due for buildings ≥25,000 sq. ft. for calendar year 2022.

Third-Party Verified Benchmarking Report Due

A completed, third-party verified District Benchmark Results and Compliance Benchmarking Report is due for buildings ≥25,000 sq. ft. for calendar year 2023.

Benchmarking Report Due

A completed District Benchmark Results and Compliance Benchmarking Report is due for buildings ≥10,000 sq. ft. for calendar year 2024.

Evaluation Year

January 1, 2026 – December 31, 2026


During this time, your building’s energy performance will be evaluated through benchmarking to confirm that it meets the Standard for your Property Type.

Benchmarking Report Due

A completed District Benchmark Results and Compliance Benchmarking Report is due for buildings ≥10,000 sq. ft. for calendar year 2025.

Milestone: Compliance Cycle 1 Ends

This is the end of the BEPS 1 Compliance Cycle.

Completed Actions Report Due

Deadline to submit a Completed Actions Report that includes a short survey of the energy efficiency measures the building owner implemented to meet the energy performance requirements.

Third-Party Verified Benchmarking Report Due

A completed, third-party verified District Benchmark Results and Compliance Benchmarking Report is due for buildings ≥10,000 sq. ft. for calendar year 2026.

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