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Hub and Industry News

Stay current on the latest in building performance trends.

The Building Innovation Hub provides expert insight into the latest trends in DC-area commercial real estate, focusing on emerging and growing concepts relevant to green buildings, building automation, high-performance design, smart building technology, and more.

For press inquiries and speaking invitations, contact Alexandra Laney.

How We Can Transform Buildings to Better Serve People and Communities

Each of us has a role to play in making buildings sustainable, equitable, and resilient.

What Will It Take Series Takeaways

Fernando Arias and Theresa Backhus reflect on getting to carbon-free buildings by 2050

Cover Summary What It Takes Package

Event Takeaways: Opportunities and Risks for BEPS

How can architects and engineers manage the risks, while simultaneously positioning themselves for the opportunities, of BEPS?

Sustainability and Historic Preservation: Options and Opportunities in DC

Guest authors argue historic preservation is essential to achieving climate goals in DC and elsewhere

Carter G Woodson Historic Home shown in composite black and white and color overlay

Event Takeaways: What Will It Take? Constructing Carbon-Free Buildings

5 takeaways from our panel on constructing carbon-free buildings

Constructing Carbon-free Buildings

Event Takeaways: Where DC’s Building Codes Meets BEPS

Top takeways from our webinar with Kim Cheslak on DC's codes and how they intersect with the District's Building Energy Performance Standards

Interior architectural beams

Latest BEPS Standards and Compliance Rules

A detailed summary of the latest BEPS compliance regulations, the Standards per property type, and updates to the Benchmarking requirements.

Wooden gavel

Building Innovation Hub Joins UN International Centre of Excellence on High-Performance Buildings

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe names the Hub an International Centre of Excellence on High Performing Buildings.

Awards Announcement

Transforming DC’s Buildings: A Conversation with Industry Leaders

Members of the Hub's Industry Leadership Forum identified barriers and solutions to creating high-performance buildings.

Members of the Hub's Industry Leadership Forum in discussion

Building Innovation Hub Announces Highest Performing Buildings in DC

The Building Innovation Hub Announces DC's greenest buildings, as measured by ENERGY STAR scores in 2020

DC building exteriors, brick and modern

Event Takeaways: What Will It Take? Developing Carbon-Free Buildings

5 takeaways from our panel on developing carbon-free buildings

Developing Carbon-Free Buildings
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